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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  March 29, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for "special report." i hope you have a blessed good friday and easter for those who are celebrating. we will see you sunday on america's news headquarters at 12:00 p.m. eastern. fox report starts right now. >> shepard: this is "the fox report." tonight, the 13 month old toddler shot in the faces a he sat in his stroller. so why have police just arrested the town's acting mayor? plus, tensions with north korea on the rise. little kim gives his military leaders a new set of marching orders. >> shepard: new images of the north korean leader supposedly preparing for war. and warning that his rockets are ready to strike the united states. tonight, the newest threat and the response a dentist, accused of using dirty
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instruments potentially exposing thousands of patients to h.i.v. and hepatitis. >> just something i have never seen before. very, very unusual situation. >> shepard: tonight, the accused dangerous dentist of tulsa, oklahoma. plus, a man tumbles on to the subway tracks. might have died if not for this hero, a recovering drug addict who didn't hesitate to help. >> i can't imagine not helping somebody in that situation. >> shepard: you'll meet the man who risked his life to save a stranger. and yesterday, we saw the new pope break with tradition to wash the feet of prisoners and women. now, the first good friday for pope francis. but first from fox this good friday night. north korea threatening to rain rockets on the united states. the dictator there kim jong un, kim the younger releasing new photographs of his military strategy meetings. these pictures show him in
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some kind of war room, generals at his side and what looks like anpple i mac on his desk. on the wall a map that appears to show a diagram of missile roots targeting hawaii, los angeles, washington, d.c., and austin, texas. soldiers and students showed up in a rally in the capital to support kim jong un's threat. [chanting] that i'm told translates to death to america. echo reports north korean state television which quoted the dictator as saying his missiles are ready to settle accounts with the united states. he also reportedly signed orders placing his military forces on stand by. all of this comes one day after american stealth bombers flew over south korea, dropping dummy bombs as part of a training exercise. and as a reminder of the overwhelming peter of the u.s. military. obviously little kim, kim the younger has to know
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that launching rockets at the united states would be suicide. but the concern is that he might have no choice. just think of him as a tough guy in the school yard. the one who talk as lot of smack day in and day out but will loose face if he doesn't eventually back it up. of course, in this case backing it up would mean starting a war. jennifer griffin on fox top story live at the pentagon tonight. how much concern there, really, jennifer? >> well, the pentagon has seen no unusual movements as of yet. but is taking the north korean leader at his word they say he is no paper tiger. >> we will unequivocally defend and we are unequivocally committed to that alliance with south korea. >> u.s. and south korean military exercises are going to be ongoing until april 30th, shepard. >> shepard: jennifer, the united states is catching some heat for sending those bombers over to south
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korea. >> especially from the russian and chinese foreign ministries. they have called the actions provocative. fox news has learned that those b 2's that were sent to the korean peninsula were, in fact, the first b-2 fighters to ever be sent to the korean peninsula. and that they were not originally supposed to be part of the annual military exercise with south korea, but secretary hagel made the decision in the wake of north korean threats. each b-2 dropped four inert 2,000-pound bombs off the coast of south korea. the it is capable of carrying $85,000 bombs. >> the pentagon was stuck between a rock and hard place. on the other hand, north korea had threatened an attack against the united states. the united states ally south korea was extremely worried about this. so the u.s. wanted to send out a strong signal. >> in 1984 the u.s. air force had a contingency plan to destroy their air
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force in 100 hours. now the pentagon suggests it could do it in half that time, shep. >> shepard: messages being sent around the world. jennifer griffin at the pentagon tonight. confirms two navy seals collided during a parachute jump in arizona and one of them has died. lt. commander says the mid-air coalition happened during a training exercise. the surviving seal said to be in stable condition. the incident happened yesterday at an air park in arizona north and west of tucson. the military runs a pair shoot testing and training facility there. we are learning more about the dentist who officials are calling a menace to public health. they say dr. scott harrington may have exposed thousands upon thousands of patients to h.i.v. and hepp c and b. investigators called the conditions at his office shocking and unheard of. rusty instruments and reusing needles. unlicensed assistance were in charge of sterilization they tell us and giving
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anesthesia. officials say that's a felony. they say they also found expired medications, including one that went bad in 1993. >> there was multiple violations of not following basic infection control and sterilization procedures. i made her pull out the auto play that had the actual instruments in it and she pulled them out and they were rusty. and i was horrified just something i have never seen before. very, very unusual situation. >> shepard: officials call it a perfect storm because dr. harrington is a medicaid provider. he had lots of patients with hepatitis and h.i.v. "the fox report's" correspondent jonathan hunt is live in our new york city newsroom. >> this must be terrifying for all his patients. >> absolutely horrifying, shep. it all began when one of dr. harrington's patients happened to get sick, happened to go see a health professional. happened to get tested and happened to be diagnosed with hepatitis c. now, then these -- that
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sparked this investigation of dr. harrington's dental surgery, which you see right there. we talked today to another of dr. harrington's patients on "studio b." and he told us what he would like to say to the allegedly dirty dentist. listen. >> he was obviously aware of the situations that he was putting people. in so why did he continue to practice and continue to do the things and put people at risk when he was basically just, you know, doing everything behind people's back and putting people at risk. i also want to know why the health department didn't step in sooner. i mean, this has been happening for possibly six years. why weren't their inspections prior to this? it's definitely a big shock. >> now, the tulsa health department has sent this letter to thousands of dr. harrington's patients. it says that it will begin free hepatitis c and h.i.v. testing on monday. but then all of those patients, shep, who get
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tested, will face an agonizing 2 to 3 week wait for the results. shep? >> shepard: where is dr. harrington? >> we have no idea where dr. harrington is right now. he has not spoken publicly since this story broke. but according to the complaint filed by the oklahoma board of dentistry, quote: during the inspections, dr. harrington referred to his staff regarding all the sterilization and drug procedures in the office. he advised they take care of that. i don't. now, i talked to criminal defense attorney tamara holder earlier today. she said legally speaking, that excuse just won't hold up. listen. >> you have a duty to supervise your staff you have a duty to ensure that you have sanitary conditions. and they were acting under the control of him. this was his office. these were the people under
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his staff, his salary. so he can't push it off to the lower people who worked for him. it's absurd. >> so, dr. harrington now faces 17 counts in this complaint. they include being a menace to public health and committing gross negligence in the practice of dentistry, shep? >> shepard: thanks. dr. accused of running illegal drug ring. 10-million-dollar illegal drug ring. police say dr. hector castro and four dozen other suspects sold more than half a million oxycodone pills. they uncovered the scam when a patient died of an overdose and they found a prescription dr. castro plus a pill bottle with his name on it pleaded not guilty to three dozen charges. a former u.s.s. soldier accused of switching sides and fighting for al qaeda. there is so much more to this story. now we are hearing from that former soldier's father, and he says this is
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ridiculous. plus, new york city's new plan to look for the remains of those killed in the attacks of september the 11th. you'll see how and where teams plan to start the search ahead from the journalists of fox news on this good friday. with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare.
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>> shepard: here is a complicated one. he calls himself a freedom fighter. but the feds say this former u.s. soldier was fighting with al qaeda in syria. so he is charged now with plotting to use a rocket propelled grenade which could get him life in prison. he is eric haroon. he posted videos on line claiming is he fighting against bashar assad fighting his own people for two years. his father says the charges make no sense. >> he was trying to save lives and whatnot. he is not, you know, any kind of terrorists. anybody who knows eric knows that he is 100%
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america. >> shepard: he says people in syria treated his son like a hero. catherine herridge is in the d.c. newsroom tonight. catherine, there is a lot more to this. >> there is, shep. youtube videos and facebook pictures appear to be the investigative threat that got the fbi on his trail. according to court documents he spent 25 days with the al qaeda linked front that wants to force a syrian president from power, the exact same goal of the u.s. government. in recent interview. haroon went to the u.s. consulate in turkey for help. went to the embassy and god cop, bad cop on him. cia lady played bad gospel and fbi played good cop. they spent 10 hours interrogating him. not telling him he was under suspicion. they use that information to arrest him. >> court documents claim his interviews with the fbi three in turkey and a fourth hometown there dulles international airport earlier this week were, in fact, voluntary,
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shep. >> shepard: what are legal experts saying about, this catherine? >> a legal national security defense attorney who handled the case of the curious moussaoui who was charged in connection with with the 9/11 attacks. tells fox news the u.s. government's definition of weapons of mass destruction can easily be challenged in court because putting a rocket propelled grenade in the same cawrgt plowed into the world trade center is clear lay stretch for any jor. also a smart defense would push the cia to explain how exactly the agency is is supporting the rebels in syria. and how the cia can be so sure that none of this help is ending up in the hands of the al qaeda linked group al. bottom line lines blurred. so blurred the u.s. government can be absolutely certain that the help it's offering is ending up in the same hands as the group that eric haroon was fighting alongside with shep. >> shepard: keep us updated. >> i will. >> shepard: the syrian
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rebels claimed. opposition now reports it has seized full control of a key southern town. [shouting and gunfire] >> according to the associated press the rebels in the southern town are capitalizing in a recent surge in weapons' shipment and waging a bament for -- battle for the southern part of the country. to secure corridor from jordan to damascus. and that is reportedly all in preparation for a siege on the capital. the rebels claim they control the southern town where the uprising against the syrian government started more than two years ago. workers are about to start searching debris from the world trade center for the first time in three years. that's the word from the new york city medical examiner's office. officials there say they still have not identified the remains of more than 1,000 victims of the attacks of 9/11. the city scaled back the search after workers finished cleaning up the site. now officials say they plan to do d.n.a. testing as long as it takes to identify as many victims as possible.
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another arrest in the case of that baby shot dead in his stroller. right in front of his mother. tonight, why a city official is now facing criminal charges. plus, the study that could save you more than 100 bucks a month. find out which stores have the highest and lowest prices for prescription drugs. shoot. now with the share everything plan from verizon, connect your camera, along with your smartphone and tablet. all your devices connected by one simple plan on the powerful network. record video. connect more. so you can do more. the share everything plan from verizon. add additional devices like the samsung galaxy camera for $5 monthly access.
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>> shepard: police in the state of georgia arrested a city official in connection with the shooting death last week of that toddler in his stroller. this suspect is now out on bail charged with obstruction and influences a witness. here he is, james henry brooks, the brunswick, georgia, commissioner. he reportedly stepped between cops and the suspect's mother during a court appearance.
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his lawyer says the commissioner did nothing wrong. remember, investigators say two teenagers shot this 13 month old boy in the face during an attempted robbery of his mother. they have also argued that one suspect's mother, that i just mentioned and his sister, they have charged them with trying to get rid of the gun. john roberts with the news from atlanta tonight. what else do we know? >> well, we knew interest talking to people familiar with james brooks that he has had a confrontational relationship with police in the past. this time the district attorney threw the book at him. he got out of jail a little after noon today. here is how it all started back on monday at that court hearing. he was walking outside the courthouse with the family of the alleged shooter when a county investigator came up to the family, wanted to talk to them about a tip that they had received, that they might have had something to do with the disposal of the murder weapon. according to his attorney, brooks got in between them and advised the family not to say anything unless they had an attorney present. there had been a lot of talk in the community that the suspects were being railroaded that they had a
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solid alibi. brooks' attorney says the commissioner believed that talk and was just trying to protect the family. here is his attorney. >> he saw -- community it was his intent -- his community he was trying to look after some of his constituents who unfortunately it appears at this point in time weren't worthy of being looked out for. >> brooks said at the time he didn't ever think that the mother and the sister would be charged with getting rid of that murder weapon and .22 caliber pistol by throwing it in the pond, shep. >> shepard: this guy is in other trouble as well, right? >> he is. very same day yesterday, that this charge of obstruction and influence as witness has handed down, a six count ricco indictment was handed up against him for racketeering, charges, among other things, that he used his office to make money off of people by doing things like charge ago guy $300 to expunge a marijuana charge so that he could apply to become a police officer and taking 1200 $ from another fellow to help him get a liquor license, shep. this guy could be removed
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from office by governor diehl if the governor sees fit. >> shepard: john roberts in atlanta tonight. we will get through this. those words from the parents of two sandy hook elementary survivors after a fire destroyed their entire home. and killed their dog. this happened the day before yesterday. two of the couple's three children were students at that elementary school. one of them a first grader whose teacher barricaded students in a bathroom during the shooting. officials say the fire in this case started in the basement. but they are not sure what sparked it. well, there is a good chance you could be paying too much for your prescription drugs according to a new study "consumer reports" it shows that failure to shop around for generic versions of popular medications could result in overpaying by at least 100 bucks a month on average. the study found that cosco sells the cheapest generic drug while cvs care mark charges the most. one environmentalists calls it the single most pollution air act of this
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president's second term. the new proposal aiming to cut down on toxic emissions. critics are warning it could mean a little bit higher gas prices for all of us. as millions of christians mark good friday as the day jesus died, there is no research that suggests this linen cloth could date back to christ's burial. our chief meteorologist in the weather center. hey, rick. >> shep, everybody wondering where spring is we are going to get just on time a little dose of it for the weekend. enjoy it because it's not going to last that long. temperatures for saturday looking pretty nissments in fact we will see 50s and 60's all the way in parts towards northern plains. very far south sunday as well. you will notice things looking nice very nice temperaturewise. there is a hint of colder air, that comes in on monday. we will enjoy those temperatures at least over the weekend. couple problems as far as severe weather. this is going to be tomorrow here across areas of the south. we're going to see from parts of kansas from around
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wichita down towards dallas, a threat for some large hail, some damaging winds, maybe a tornado or two as well. that threat diminishes for your day on easter. we will see some of that rain move in across parts of the deep south and ohio river valley and potentially sunday night in across areas of the northeast. still looking at these nice temperatures, except for that chilly temp that's going to be coming in for your day on monday. overall sunday looking good. happy easter, everyone, fox report will be right back. [ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪
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>> shepard: more than anything, he wants to go fishing. now a 12-year-old florida boy will do just that the make-a-wish foundation made it happen. the boy has a hole in his heart between his left and right ventricles. make a wish chapters all over the country work to grant requests from children who have life threatening conditions. yesterday, a chapter in the keys granted one for him. the captain of a fishing boat took the boy and his family for some fishing. snorkeling, and sightseeing. i'm shepard smith. they're is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of of the news. and the feds say they have a plan. a plan to make gas a lot cleaner. but there is already a dispute about what it might cost. the environmental protection agency estimates it would add less than a penny per gallon. the oil industry predicts it could be closer to a dime e.p.a. officials say they will hold public hearings on the new rules before they take effect. wendell goler with the
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news. he is live at the white house tonight. wendell, what do we know about this proposal in specific? >> well, shep, the aim is to remove 60% of the sulfur still left in gasoline to reduce smog and impose tighter pollution restrictions on cars themselves. the e.p.a. says the combination would have the same impact on pollution as taking 30 million cars off the road. supporters call it the most significant environmental proposal since the president took office. they say it would prevent tens of thousands of child respiratory ailments every year, save 2400 lives over that time the eve says most refineries would require only minor modifications but the oil industry says the agency is underestimating the cost, especially in parts of the country where gas is now cheap. >> the folks in the united states, the rest of the lower 47 are going to have the same kind of gasoline, basically that the people have in california. and we all know what the cost of gasoline is in california. >> critics also want the e.p.a. to prove the health benefits would be as much
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as it says, shepard. >> shepard: of course, while this was going on, the president was in miami today? >> he visited a tunnel from the port of miami aimed at offloading container cargo ships more efficiently. it's being built with a partnership of partner and private money. the president considers it a model for part of a 50 billion-dollar plan part of his state of the union address to use public private partnerships to rebuild the nation's infrastructure. >> what are we waiting for? there is work to be done. there are workers who are ready to do it. let's prove to the world that there is no better place to do business than right here in the united states of america and let's get started rebuilding america. >> republicans were unenthusiastic. house speaker john boehner says repairing the nation's insphra fracture is a worthy goal. the president has offered no details how to pay for it. >> shepard: california border patrol agent has pleaded guilty now to taking bribes to let lots of illegal immigrants into our country.
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court documents show the agent confessed that he did take cash, took luxury cars. took the use of an apartment. and next change he allowed illegal immigrants to pass through his line. it's what is said to be the world's busiest border crossing. trace gallagher with the news in los angeles this afternoon. we're talking hundreds of illegal immigrants, right? >> easy, shep. this guy said the former border patrol agent admitted that he was involved in the smuggling operation for the better part of two years. he says that every single car that he let through had at least six or eight illegal immigrants inside there were times during this two-year run that he would let one car through and then 10 minutes later he let another car through. he was trying to cover his tracks by putting false information in the homeland security computer, trying to cover his tracks with names like barbara walters. the border patrol has issued a statement saying and i'm quoting here we do not tolerate corruption or abuse within our ranks. we fully cooperate with any
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criminal or administrative investigations of alleged misconduct by any of our personnel on or off duty. they also arrested several smugglers in this case as well, shep. >> shepard: the barbara walters trick clearly didn't get it done? >> no the border patrol was very, very lehry of the information he was putting inside the computer. got a source to ride in one of those cars going through. the source claims he paid $10,000 and when they got to the border crossing, he says the border agent checked his i.d. knowing full well it was a mexican i.d. but still let him through and then wrote down the license plate number even though there was no license plate. the plates never went on until they actually got into san diego and the agent apparently made one more big mistake. listen. >> it seems pretty stupid on the part of the officer that he would accept gifts like that because it's very well known, our salaries are publicly stated. it's not like we get-million-dollar salaries
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or ceo type bonuses at the end of the year. >> yeah, so when you have a luxury apartment and drive up in a luxury car it sets some alarm bells. is he facing 25 years in prison, shep. >> shepard: trace gallagher in l.a. the tsa fired four security screeners and newark's liberty international airport new jersey. investigators say hidden cameras caught those screeners failing to search some bags that other workers had flagged during the x-ray process. t.s.a. officials say they made some changes in an attempt to improve security procedures. we're now getting the first calculations on the size of the landslide that's threatening homes on an island in washington state. engineers now say wednesday's landslide moved enough earth to fill 30,000 dump trucks or cover a football field about 10 stories high. the disaster wrecked one home and made it too dangerous for folks to return home to others. dan springer on an island
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50 miles outside of seattle. hello, dan. >> hello, shep. you know, island county officials are optimistic. even though there still is some land movement, they are pretty confident that the major sliding is over and, therefore, there won't be any more damage to homes yet. the one house we know was destroyed, they are even hoping to lift the yellow tags on two of the four houses that have only limited access. some goggle gists suspect this began slowly in 2002 but really hard to pinpoint. >> it's been moving for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. it's probably not going to stop in its entirety. but as far as this particular slide, the longer it stays still and doesn't move the more likely that it's not going to continue. >> there is also talk of lawsuits. one resident told us he had a geo technical survey done by a private company a few years ago. the conclusion was the hillside would be stable, for get, this 30 years.
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well, access to 15 homes is still impossible by vehicle. but officials believe they will have a one lane gravel road built down to those homes in a couple of weeks. so access could be given in a couple of weeks. good news here. and the weather has also improved. shep? >> shepard: a lot ahead though. a landslide in tibet has buried more than 80 workers alive. that's according to chinese state media reports indicate that landslide ripped through a gold mining area and buried the workers as they were asleep. the landslide covered the area of about 1.5 square miles. more than a thousand searchers on the scene looking for any signs of life. a man jumped on to the subway tracks to help save a complete stranger and we're learning that rescuer has quite a story of his own, including drugs and a lot battle to kick the habit. plus, wait until you hear how much taxpayers will have to pay for the trial of jodi arias, the woman who says yeah, i killed him
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but i don't remember all that stabbing and throat slitting and such. that's ahead. it's amazing what soup can do. [ female announcer ] he could be your soulmate. but first you've got to get him to say, "hello." new crest 3d white arctic fresh toothpaste. use it with these 3d white products, and whiten your teeth in just 2 days. new crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years.
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>> a man in north philadelphia risked his life when he jumped on to the subway tracks to save a passenger had had just fallen on to the platform it turns out that rescuer is a recovering addict. look at this surveillance video from yesterday afternoon. watch the guy walking here, he will just drop right off. seconds after that a rescuer runs towards the guy. here he comes. and he goes eventually, he will go right down on to the tracks himself. >> i just wanted to stabilize his back and neck he wanted to move. i can't imagine not helping somebody in that situation. i can't imagine that. >> shepard: keep in mind the trains are scheduled to go through that station every seven minutes and that electrified third rail, that can kill you. rick leventhal is here. what do we know about how the victim is doing? >> all we know is this subway stumbler was released from hospital
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earlier today. we can't learn any more because of privacy laws the hospital won't tell us anything. that leaves us with no information as to why this guy walked off the edge of that platform it looks like he is trying to board a plane that wasn't there he stepped into thin air. not far from that electrified third rail and almost immediately that good samaritan runs over and jumps down to help. short while later firefighters were on scene and they lefted the man to safety. >> there are beds and areas that could have happened here and didn't happen because a person that was unknown to our victim jumped into that track and saved his life. >> it's worth noting no one else on that platform made a move to help him. >> that rescuer has been through a lot of struggles of his own. >> he has. he is a recovering heroin addict with a long rap sheet according to the associated press. he started with oxycontin in middle school. by high school he moved on to heroin. he was in and out of rehab for more than 10 years. the birth of his daughter helped him kick his habit. he has been clean two years and yesterday his life took another turn. >> i already had a plan
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like -- i was going to roll him like underneath if a train came. on the ledges or i couldn't i was going to happen somebody jump down and help me roll him. >> chris said people helped him in the past and he couldn't pay them back so he paid it forward. shep? >> shepard: i like it. rick leventhal. thanks. 80 bottles of wine worth $100,000. police say that's what somebody stole from a warehouse in san francisco. we'll do the math for you. more than 1200 bucks a bottle. the cops are trying to figure out whether the thieves knew what they were looking for or just got lucky. investigators say they are not ruling out an inside job. the murder trial of the woman accused of stabbing and shooting her ex-boyfriend has cost taxpayers a serious chunk of change. so far well more than a million dollars just to defend jodi arias. here is how it breaks down. officials in arizona's maricopa county, which includes phoenix, the site of the trial, say court-appointed defense attorneys have so far build more than 15,000 hours.
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15,000 hours. the rates range from just less than $18 an hour to 250 bucks an hour. that gives them an estimated tab exceeding $1,400,000. officials have not thee revealed the colmes of the prosecution. and, remember, this trial shows no signs of wrapping up, ever after the defense finishes questioning its last expert witness the court will move to the rebuttal phase, which means prosecutors can call other witnesses to the stand and then, of course, the jurors can ask more questions and who knows? at least two people are dead and dozens more are missing after a high rise building under construction suddenly collapses to the ground. that tops our news around the world in 80 seconds tanzania. rescue workers rushed to claw at tiles of rubble in the nation's largest city. survivors tried calling loved ones trapped under the debris some of them children.
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construction was almost complete when the building came down. investigators still looking into the cause. pakistan. a lawyer threw a shoe at former musharraf back this week from four years self-imposed exile facing charges of conspiracy to murdered judges. the shoe missed. witnesses say cops grabbed the guy who threw it. italy, coast guard officials picked up hundreds of my grants distress signal when one of their boat engines fail. ordered the boats nearby island. france, former first lady carla bruni set to release a new album. it's her first since her husband, the former president nicholas sarkozy.
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and that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. >> around the world is brought to you by the verizon share everything plan. >> tornado warnings are about to get a lot scarier. the national weather service announcing it will use stronger language when it warns of deadly storms. catastrophic and mass devastation meant to make us listen up and take shelter. this comes after researchers found people in joplin, missouri didn't get strong enough warning when that monster tornado killed 161 people and left the town in ruins. officials say they expect the stronger alerts will stillen pretty rare, maybe once a year in twister prone places like kansas. of course, today's good friday one of the most important days of the year for christians it's also part of the first holy week for pope francis. why the new pontiff will bring back followers during his easter season. plus a record day in space
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as astronauts sit a new standard for reaching international space station. their shining moment and how long it took them to get there that's ahead. if youthen this willbrids arbe a nice surprise. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v and we haven't even mentioned... c-max also gets better mpg. say hi to the super fuel efficient ford c-max hybrid. with google now, it automatically knows
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>> shepard: it's a solemn day for christians around the world. today marking good friday, the day jesus died. hundreds of people in jerusalem hoisted wooden crosses and walked through kabul stone streets retracing the biblical account in the flip means some folks spent several minutes annual tradition there. the nails are thin and folks used alcohol to try to prevent infiction. the church still discourages it one guy says he has done it 27 times. and in the south of mexico. thousands of people are visiting a small town known for its holy week
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procession. men, women and children all marching through the streets. some adults even whip themselves asking forgiveness of their sins. of course, this is the first holy week for pope francis as leader of the church dealing with fewer people going to mass. lauren green with more outside saint patrick's cathedral outside of new york city. hey, lauren. >> hey, shep, you know, over the past decades the catholic church has lived under the weight of numerous and very costly -- cases plus vatican government scandals and the unthinkable the resignation of pope benedict the xvith. if there is a time for hope it is certainly at easter with a new pope. for a moment he appeared on the balcony above saint peter's square in rome after his election. pope fran tis signaled a new direction for the church and declaring a renewed interest. the bishop of rome is breaking from tradition for example on holy thursday. washing the feet two of
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women. gesture angering some traditionalists. regardless francis is has given the catholic's come home campaign a real boost. >> we have seen a resurgence in the amount of people interested in learning more about the catholic church. we have seen an enthusiasm --ut this hope that we pope that we haven't seen in years. >> as christians celebrate a savior raised from the dead. the catholic church last few weeks has lived out own version of the gospel story coming back to life with a new pope whose walk seems to mimic his words. >> god's providential plan, he is the pope for this moment. and i think that was what the holy spirit was saying in that conclave. this is the person for this moment. >> and, of course, holy week culminates with easter on sunday. shep? >> shepard: lauren green at saint patrick's. lauren, thanks. new debate this easter season. it has to do with the shroud of temperature ren which turin.
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the lenin does date to the the -- linen does date to the time of jesus. spent years testing it infrared light and radiation and disproven another study which determined the shroud was elaborate fake dating to mid evil times. it's in bullet proof climate controlled case in italy and rarely on display. italian tv will show he it tomorrow thanks to pope benedict the xvith. one of the final acts as pope was to authorize the broadcast. for those of us not in italy there is an act to view the shroud. coolest destination to reach. sue you so soy uz space. >> flying above crow croatia.
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>> shepard: their arrival means six crew members aboard the iss. it normally takes it two days to reach the station. they tried a new route this time baseballly orbital shortcut. milings control reports it went just fine. u.s. farmers expected to plant the largest corn crop since 1936. 97 million acres of maise in an area nearly the size of all of california. farmers say they are trying to take advantage of record prices. last year's historic drought killed crops. sent the criminal of corn skyrocketing. economics 101 and gasoline additives. agriculture secretary tom vilsack said the huge corn crop will likely cut down on feed cost which means we could see meat and daily prices fall though i bet that meant dairy. thousands of pieces of history from hollywood to the white house are set to hit the auction block.
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including a letter from marilyn monroe. thought she was going crazy. we're taking downy to the streets. which shirt feels more expensive? that one's softer. it's the same t-shirt. really? this one was washed in downy. why spend a lot of money when you can just use downy? downy's putting our money where our soft is. try downy softness. love it or your money back.
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well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. dramatic letter that foreshadowed marilyn monroe's suicide. in this handwritten letter to monroe to her acting coach she hints at the deep depression she was facing. she wrote: i sound crazy but i think i'm going crazy. the items also include a profanity-laced draft of a letter from john lennon to paul and linda mccartney. it's from right around the time the beatles broke up it includes the angry line "god help you out, paul." all of the items expected to sell for tens of thousands of dollars. major league baseball's opening day is sunday. if you need any more proof that pro-athlete's sal salaries are insane. hear this. the injured new york yankees third baseman alex rodriguez will reportedly
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make more money this season than the entire roster of the houston astros. think of that for a moment. a-rod is expected to rake in $29 million this year. is he injured and so much more probably won't play until mid summer, if then. the astros have a payroll of 25 million. that's reportedly the lowest of the 32 big league teams. before we go our team's top five things of the day. number five analysts say facebook may be introducing its own smart phone at an upcoming event. number four, the feds say u.p.s. has agreed to pay $40 million to end an investigation over its work with illegal online pharmacies. no one at u.p.s. will face any charges number three reports in at least three states have joined a lawsuit. challenging a federal plan to shut down 149 aircraft control towers amid budget cuts. number two, an oil industry spokesman called a new federal clean gas proposal
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unnecessary saying they will add to the cost of the purpose. number one, oklahoma's state dental board has announced it may start routinely inspecting dental clinics after busting the dentist linked to a patient contracting hepatitis c and that's "the fox report's" top five. and on this day in 1973, the vietnam war effectively ended when the last u.s. combat troops left vietnam. u.s. forces had been in the region for more than a decade. first, as so-called military advisors. but in 1965, our presence in that country had grown. at the war's peak some half a million u.s. troops were on the ground but the growing number of casualties in american involvement in war crimes helped make it the most unpopular foreign war in our history. when it finally ended some 58,000 u.s. service members were dead: vietnam me


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